As 2012 quick winds to a close I wanted to share with all of you what we felt were the best movies of 2012. It was a hard choice to narrow down, and some of my favorite little gems didn't make it. I used our Quality Rating and our Content Rating from when we reviewed the movie, as well as ticket sales per theatre opening weekend. Then we considered weeks at those films were #1 in the box office. To come to a conclusion on the 5 best I grabbed these 4 sources of data and combined them all to get an average score. If you want more details on each movie, the link in the movie title will take you to our full review. So here are our favorites!
#1 The Avengers: The top grossing movie of the year, and it broke several records. With several Marvel build up movies, there is no wonder it was top of our list. It was a major risk and undertaking, but it paid off! We saw it twice in the theatres the week it came out. Although it is an action movie, it has a lot of lighthearted moments of humor. One of my favorites comes from Captain America, Chris Evans. When warned that Thor, Chris Hemsworth, and Loki are basically Gods Captain America responds, "There's only one God ma'am, and he doesn't dress like that." The Avengers is available from Amazon and iTunes.
#2 The Hunger Games: I went into The Hunger Games pretty blind to the whole story, but afterward I went out and read all 3 books. I am really excited for Catching Fire to come out. One of the shining aspects of the movie was the strong supporting cast. Great actors like Stanley Tucci and Donald Sutherland who know better than to attach their names to something like "Twilight." They add credibility to the Film. But I must say the two surprises were Lenny Kravitz and Elizabeth Banks. Getting attached them from the film made their characters even more enjoyable when reading the books. The Hunger Games is available from Amazon and iTunes.

#5 Wreck-It Ralph: Our only entry that isn't part of a large franchise of films. Wreck-It Ralph is smartly written, well acted, and beautifully animated. The world is truly an original idea where game characters travel through subway like surge protectors. John C. Riley's Ralph is endearing and lovable. He surrounded with other great character voices that really fit well. There are 3 main games the movie takes place in, and each one if stylized slightly different, yet all are amazing and immersive. I am hopeful that there might be additional films where we can see more of the arcade games in the world. Wreck-It Ralph is still in some Second Run Theatres and is available for pre-order on Amazon.
What were your favorites of 2012? Where there any that didn't make our list?
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