Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Turbo (2013): Mormon Movie Review


Quality: stars_3

   Turbo is the story of a snail who loves speed, but as a snail doesn’t have much of it.  Then a freak accident involving a street racer and Turbo is born!  Turbo has big dreams of becoming a race car driver like his hero, Guy Gagné, but his brother Chet doesn’t understand his need for speed. Turbo believes that no dreams are too big and no dreamer too small.I took my boys to see it and they loved it!


   As for me though, not as excited.  It wasn’t bad, it just didn’t move me.  There are some great jokes and I had some good laughs, but the story is very light.  I think what has happened is that animated movies are putting too much of their budget in big name actors to do voices, and scrimping on the writers. The line up includes Ryan Reynolds, Paul Giamatti, Samuel L. Jackson, Luis Guzman, Maya Rudolph, Snoop Dog, Bill Hader, Michael Pena, and Ken Jeong.  They all do well in their roles, but they just couldn’t make it a blockbuster.

   If you have kids, you’ll want to rent it on DVD or see it at the 2nd Run theatre.  You won’t regret the time you spent with the kids.  But you can skip it and be okay too.

   Plus today only you can get a Digital Storybook of Turbo for Free for Android from Amazon!  It uses high quality movie frames and actual movie audio.  Your kids can read it, or have it read to them.  I showed it to my 2 year old and his eye’s lit up, “Turbo!”

Content: stars_5

   As an animated feature you can assume this will be a safe movie.  Do take note that a running subplot is that snails are in danger of being eaten by birds, and some of the scenes will be a little shocking for very young viewers.  They are short thought and plenty of humor follows to smooth it over.

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